During breeding season the nutritional demands of hens increase dramatically. Hens have an increased need for nutrients such as fatty acids and vitamins, in order to lay healthy fertile eggs.
Breeding Aid has been developed to address the need for fatty acids and vitamins A, D and E. This combination helps to support egg membrane formation, assists in egg production and hatchability. It is used as an overnight soak on seeds, oils naturally penetrate through the seed hull into the kernel through osmosis.
Breeding Aid is particularly useful for smaller birds that produce large numbers of eggs or multiple clutches.
Additional vitamin, mineral and calcium supplements are still advised for birds on seed diets.
Mix 20mL of Breeding Aid per 1kg (1 ½ fl oz. Per 5lb) of seed thoroughly by hand and allow the mixture to sit for 12 to 24 hours to maximise seed absorption.
Batches of seed can be made up to last a week, with treated seed not used in the first day being stored in the refrigerator.
Store below 30°C (room temperature) in a dry place.
3 years from the date of manufacture