It is a product with true star qualities.
Seabreeze Oil adds shine, hydration, and condition to the coat. It can be a wonderful light alternative to regular oiling with longer-lasting benefits.
It is a truly beneficial blend of using extracts of Calendula oil, Wheat germ oil, and Evening Primrose.
Use as an alternative to regular conditioner as it will not soften or flatten the coat, but retains the correct coat texture.
It is non greasy and totally water soluble making it easy to apply without build-up.
Seabreeze Oil is excellent for maintaining the healthy vigour to the skin and coat and has healing and calming qualities. Easily adjustable to suit individual coat needs.
Directions: This Oil can be used both diluted or undiluted on the coat after shampooing.
Sponge on or sluice well through the coat, ensuring even distribution. LEAVE IN. DO NOT RINSE.
To use undiluted, simply spray a light mist onto the area required.
Use sparingly for wrapping or to help stop breakage.
Dilution Rate:
1 teaspoon to 1 Litre of water
1 tablespoon to 4 Litres of water.